Anxiety Vs Angst: Meanings with Examples
Anxiety, the word is a noun.
Anxiety, শব্দটি একটি noun।
Meaning as a noun:
1. Nervousness or tension about some uncertain matter of future.
ভবিষ্যতের কোন অনিশ্চিত বিষয় নিয়ে উৎকন্ঠা বা উদ্বিগ্নতা।
- We know the reason for his anxiety.
- He is in deep anxiety and does not know what to do.
- She is in anxiety for the result of her exam.
2. A medical disorder in which someone feels scared.
কোন ব্যাধি বা রোগ যাতে রোগী ভয় পায় বা ভীত থাকে।
- The man is suffering from acute anxiety attacks.
- The doctor has so many patients who are suffering from anxiety disorder.
- The doctor knows how to deal with patients with anxiety disorders.
3. A strong concern for something to be done or happen or to do something.
কোনকিছু করার বা করানোর বা ঘটার জন্য তীব্র উৎকন্ঠা।
- He is in deep anxiety to get the things done because he is leaving Dhaka tomorrow.
- The student is in severe anxiety because he has an exam tomorrow but half of the syllabus is not covered yet.
Angst, this word is also a noun.
Angst, এই শব্দটিও একটি noun।
Meaning as a noun:
Strong unhappiness or worry about personal problems. This is also a type of anxiety with the attitudinal or philosophical problem.
তীব্র অসুখী অনুভব বা চিন্তা কোন ব্যক্তিগত কারণে। এটাও একধরনের anxiety আচরণগত বা দার্শনিক বা চিন্তাগত সমস্যাসহ।
- Some teenagers become terrorists out of teenage angst.
- The girl is passing through teenage angst.
- He is in a dilemma out of his angst and pain.
- He has some difference of opinions because of his own angst.
- He is misbehaving with you but please don’t take it to heart as he is doing so out of his angst.
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