Yield Meaning in Bengali - Yield এর বাংলা অর্থ
Bengali Meaning of Yield
[ঈল্ ড্/ jiːld]
1. উৎপন্ন হওয়া বা উৎপাদন করা; 2. আত্মসমর্পণ করা; 3. ত্যাগ করা; 4. দেওয়া; প্রদান করা; 5. স্বীকার করা; 6. বশীভূত হওয়া; বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা; 7. খরচ করা; 8. সম্মত হওয়া; 9. অনুরোধ রক্ষা করা; 10. স্থান ছেড়ে দেয়া;
উৎপাদ; উৎপন্ন বস্তু; উৎপন্ন দ্রব্যের পরিমাণ;
1. Produce; 2. Surrender; 3. Give up; 4. Grant; 5. Admit; 6. Submit; 7. Expend; 8. Assent; 9. Comply; 10. Give place;
The produced thing or material or substance; the amount of produced substance;
Derived Form/ Related Form
yielder - noun
out yield - verb (used with object)
under yield - noun
under yield - verb (used without object)
yieldable - adjective
yielder - noun
Earnings; crop; income; harvest; profit; output; revenue; return; outturn; turnout; takings; produce; waive; proceeds; supply; furnish; bear; render; abdicate; abandon; forgo; give in; bow; comply; fruit;
Deb; bills; payment; hold off; resist;
Phrase and Idiom
Yield up the ghost
মারা যাওয়া (die)
Yield to
আত্মসমর্পণ করা (surrender)
Yield EXAMPLES in Sentences
- This land yielded so many crops.
- This project will yield so much profit.
- This file will yield more information.
- The enemy soldiers yielded to our army.
- Crop yields from this land increased by about 50%.
- You will yield more profit from this investment.
- You should not yield to your bad habits.
- This barren land will not yield any crops.
- The farmer plowed the barren land for a long time and yielded so many crops from there which is unbelievable.
- Jim yielded to the bad habit of smoking while studying at college.
- What is the annual yield from this land?
- This garbage will yield manure for your land.
- Your new business has yielded a lot of profit.
- How did you yield to such a bad habit so easily?
- The land yields rice and some vegetables.
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