Zombie Meaning in Bengali - Zombie এর বাংলা অর্থ
Bengali Meaning of Zombie
[যা’ম্-বি/ zɑːm.bi]
1. (ভুডু) সাধারণতঃ খারাপ উদ্দেশ্যে, কোনো অতিপ্রাকৃত শক্তি প্রয়োগ করে প্রাণ ফিরিয়ে দেয়া একটি লাশ কিন্তু ইচ্ছাশক্তিহীন এবং নির্বাক; 2. কেউ যে এমনভাবে চলাফেরা করে যে দেখলে মনে হয়, যেন সে অজ্ঞান এবং অন্য কেউ তাকে পরিচালিত করছে এবং আশেপাশে কি হচ্ছে তা খেয়াল করে না; 3. (ছায়াছবি, গল্প, এবং কম্পিউটারের খেলা, প্রভৃতিতে) একটি লাশ যাকে জীবিত করা হয় সহজে চলাফেরা করা এবং কথা বলতে পারার ক্ষমতা ছাড়া;
1. (In voodoo)A dead body brought back to life with some supernatural power, but will-less and mute, generally with an evil intention; 2. Somebody who moves as if s/he were unconscious and being administered by somebody else, and doesn’t notice what is happening around; 3. (In movies, stories, computer games, etc.) A dead body brought back to life without the ability to move easily and talk;
Derived Form/ Related Form
zombiism, noun
Ghost; visitant; phantasma; persona; character; machine; automation; agent; drudge; clone; laborer; grind; robot; puppet; mechanical;
Zombie EXAMPLES in Sentences
- The movie is based on zombies.
- There are many stories, computer games, and movies that are based on zombies.
- Why are you behaving like a zombie?
- Jim was so much exhausted that he was moving like a zombie.
- Jack is such a zombie that he won’t think anything himself.
- Aric is addicted to playing zombie computer games.
- I am not interested to play zombie computer games.
- Once I used to play zombie computer games.
- Have you any idea about voodoo zombies?
- Zombies are dead bodies brought back to life without the ability to speak and think.
- Voodoo zombies are generally created with evil intentions.
- Roger is such a zombie that he has no idea what is going around him.
- Please don’t behave like a zombie.
- Please don’t participate in the program like a zombie.
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