
Than Vs Then: Meanings with Examples

Than [ðən/দ্যান]. Than, শব্দটি preposition এবং conjunction হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Use as a preposition/conjunction:...

Stationary Vs Stationery: Meanings with Examples

Stationary [steɪʃənri/স্টেইশানরী]. Stationary, শব্দটি একটি adjective. Meaning: Non-movable. স্থির।...

Quiet, Quite and Quit: Meanings with Examples

Quiet [kwaɪət /কোয়াই-ট]. Quiet, শব্দটি একটি adjective. Meaning: Making less noise or clam. কম আওয়াজ করা।...

Principal Vs Principle: Meanings with Examples

Principal [prɪnsəpl/ প্রিন্সিপল]. Principal শব্দটি noun এবং adjective হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত...

Peace Vs Piece: Meanings with Examples

Peace [piːs/ পি:স]. Peace শব্দটি একটি noun. Meaning: Freedom from war or harmony. যুদ্ধ থেকে মুক্তি...

Passed Vs Past: Meanings with Examples

Passed [pɑːs:d/ পা-স্ :ড] is the past form of the word pass which is a verb. Passed হল pass শব্দটির past form যা একটি...

Loose Vs Lose: Meanings with Examples

Loose [ luːs/ লু-স]. Loose, শব্দটি একটি adjective. Meaning: Able to become disconnected from somewhere or not tightly fixed....

Later Vs Latter: Meanings with Examples

Later [leɪtə(r)/ লেইটা-(র)]. Later, শব্দটি একটি adverb. Meaning: Following a certain action or time or at a time in the...

Dessert Vs Desert: Meanings with Examples

Dessert [dɪˈzɜːt/ ডি-যার্ট]. Dessert, শব্দটি একটি noun. Meaning: A sweet dish served as the final course of a meal....

Decent Vs Descent: Meanings with Examples

Decent [diːsnt/ ডি:সেন্ট]. Decent, শব্দটি একটি adjective. Meaning: Good, respectable or suitable. ভাল, মানী...

Costume Vs Custom: Meanings with Examples

Costume [ kɒstjuːm/ কস্টিউম]. Costume, শব্দটি noun এবং verb হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হয়। Meaning...

Cite, Site and Sight: Meanings with Examples

Cite [saɪt, সাইট]. Cite, শব্দটি একটি verb. Meaning: Giving reference from books, authors, etc. বই বা লেখক...

Angel Vs Angle: Meanings with Examples

Angel [eɪndʒ(e)l/এইনজেল]. Angel, শব্দটি একটি noun. Meaning: A heavenly or spiritual entity or fairy. কোন স্বর্গীয়...

Anxiety Vs Angst: Meanings with Examples

Anxiety, the word is a noun. Meaning as ‍a noun: Nervousness or tension about some uncertain matter of future. ভবিষ্যতের কোন...

Anticipate Vs Expect: Meanings with Examples

Anticipate, the word is a verb. Meaning as ‍a verb: Imagining that something is going to happen. কোনকিছু ঘটতে যাচ্ছে...

Anoint Vs Appoint: Meanings with Examples

Anoint, the word is a verb. Meaning: Making someone or something holy by putting holy oil or water on them during a religious ceremony to consecrate. Example:...

Annex Vs Annexe: Meanings with Examples

Annex, the word can be used as a verb. Meaning: Adding an extra part, particularly to a document. Example: These papers were annexed to the final documents...

Amoral Vs Immoral: Meanings with Examples

Amoral, the word is used as an adjective. Meaning: Lacking moral principle. অনৈতিক। Example: Suddenly he is becoming attracted to values...

Among, Amongst or Between: Meanings with Examples

Among and Amongst, both are prepositions having the same meaning. Meaning: Located in the middle of a group of things or people. একদল বস্তু...

Amnesty Vs Moratorium: Meanings with Examples

Amnesty, the word can be used as a noun as well as a verb. Meaning as a noun: A government decision to pardon political prisoners or general pardon. Example:...

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