
Amiable Vs Amicable: Meanings with Examples

Amiable, the word is an adjective. Meaning: Friendly and pleasant. বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ এবং আনন্দদায়ক। Example:...

Amend Vs Emend: Meanings with Examples

Amend, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: Making slight changes to a legal document, a law or a text. কোন আইনী কাগজপত্র...

Ambiguous Vs Ambivalent: Meanings with Examples

Ambiguous, the word is used as an adjective. Meaning: Expressing or having unclear or more than one meaning. অস্পষ্ট বা একের...

Altogether Vs All together: Meanings with Examples

Altogether, the word is used as an adverb. Meaning: Totally or completely. পুরোপুরি বা সম্পূর্ণভাবে। Example:...

Alternate Vs Alternative: Meanings with Examples

Alternate, the word can be used as a verb or an adjective or a noun. Meaning as a verb: Occurring or making something happen one after another repeatedly....

Altar Vs Alter: Meanings with Examples

Altar, the word is a noun. Meaning: A kind of table used in a Christian church or other religious buildings to consecrate different items during any religious...

Allusion, Illusion or Delusion: Meanings with Examples

Allusion, the word is used as a noun. Meaning: An indirect reference to something or someone. This word is especially used in case of discussing films,...

All Right Vs Alright: Meanings with Examples

All Right and Alright, the words are not different. Alright, is the short form of All Right. The word Alright is acceptable nowadays, but it is better...

Allot, A lot or Alot: Meanings with Examples

Allot, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: To distribute or to divide by portion or by share of something for a certain purpose. Example: Everyone was...

Alleviate Vs Ameliorate: Meanings with Examples

Alleviate, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: To mitigate a problem or suffering or pain. কোন সমস্যা বা দুর্ভোগ বা...

Alibi Vs Excuse: Meanings with Examples

Alibi, the word is mainly used as a noun but informally sometimes can be used as a verb. Meaning: Evidence or claim that a person who is suspected to have...

Aggravate Vs Annoy: Meanings with Examples

Aggravate, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: Making a disease, an offense, an injury or a problem worse. কোন রোগ, অপরাধ, আঘাত...

Afflict Vs Inflict: Meanings with Examples

Afflict, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: Being affected adversely by a problem or illness. কোন সমস্যা বা অসুস্থতা...

Affect Vs Effect: Meanings with Examples

Affect, the word is used as a verb. Meaning: Having an impact on anything or causing a change in anything. কোনকিছুর ওপর প্রভাব...

Advice Vs Advise: Meanings with Examples

Advice, the word is a noun. Meaning: A suggestion or an opinion, given by someone or any authority on what should be done in a particular situation. Example:...

Adverse Vs Averse: Meanings with Examples

Adverse, the word is used as an adjective. Meaning: Having a harmful or bad impact on something. কোনকিছুর ওপর ক্ষতিকর...

Adopted Vs Adoptive: Meanings with Examples

Adopted, the word is used as an adjective. Adopted, শব্দটি adjective হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Meaning: A child or...

Ad hoc Vs Ad-lib: Meanings with Examples

Ad hoc, the word came from the Latin language which means “for this situation” or “for this”. In English, the word can be used as an adjective...

Actor Vs Actress: Meanings with Examples

Actor, the word is used as a noun. Actor, শব্দটি noun হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Meaning: One who plays different types...

Active Vs Proactive: Meanings with Examples

Active, the word is used as an adjective. Active, শব্দটি একটি adjective হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Meaning:1.Being...

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