Adverb বা ক্রিয়া-বিশেষণ কাকে বলে? Adverb কত প্রকার ও কি কি?

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Adverb (ক্রিয়া-বিশেষণ)

Adverb কাকে বলে?

Adverb একটি part of speech যা একটি verb, adjective অথবা অন্য একটি adverb কে বর্ণনা করে। এটি কখন? /কোথায়? / কিভাবে? / কি উপায়ে? / এবং কি পরিমাণে? এই প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দেয়।

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb. Adverbs mainly modify manner, place, time, frequency, etc. It answers questions like when?/where?/how?/ in what way?/ and to what extent?


  • The girl speaks fluently in English.

এখানে “fluently” বর্ণনা করছে “the girl” কিভাবে English এ কথা বলছে । তাই এটি একটি  adverb.

  • The tea is very hot.

এখানে “very “ বর্ণনা করছে চা কতটা গরম । তাই এটি একটি  adverb.

  • The boy is running so fast.

এখানে “so” বর্ণনা করছে ছেলেটি কত দ্রুত দৌড়াচ্ছে এবং “fast” বর্ণনা করছে ছেলেটি কিভাবে দৌড়াচ্ছে । উভয়েই adverb, “so” modify করছে আরেকটি adverb “fast” কে এবং “fast” modify করছে একটি verb “run” কে ।

Adverbs এর প্রকারভেদ (Classification/ Types)

Adverbs can be classified in different ways. These are discussed below.

Adverb কে বিভিন্নভাবে বিভক্ত করা যায় । এগুলো নিচে বর্ণনা করা হলো ।

Adverb of time:

যে adverb কোনকিছু কখন/কোন সময়ে ঘটেছে তা বর্ণনা/উল্লেখ করে তাকে Adverb of time বলে । এটা sentence এর শুরুতে অথবা শেষে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

An adverb which tells us when something is done is called Adverb of time. It can be used at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

Adverbs of time: Yesterday, today, afterward, always, immediately, last month, now, soon, etc are common.


  • I will go to the varsity today.
  • Always speak the truth.
  • I should go there immediately.

Adverb of place:

যে adverb কোনকিছু কোথায় ঘটেছে তা উল্লেখ করে তাকে Adverb of place বলে । এটা verb এর পরে, direct object হিসাবে অথবা sentence এর শুরুতে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

An adverb which tells us where something is done or happened is called Adverb of place.  It can be used after the verb as a direct object or at the beginning of a sentence.

Adverbs of place: Here, above, below, under, upstairs, there, over there, etc.


  • I will go upstairs to see her.
  • I like to have my lunch here.
  • They are sitting under the tree.

Adverb of manner:

যে adverb কোনোকিছু কিভাবে হয়/হচ্ছে/হবে তা ব্যখ্যা/উল্লেখ করে তাকে Adverb of manner বলে ।

An adverb which tells us how something is done is called the Adverb of manner.

Most of these adverbs have “ly” at its end such as, quickly, slowly, happily, badly, etc. Fast, hard, well, etc. are also adverbs of manner.


  • Inflation badly affected our economy.
  • The man has to work hard to get a promotion.
  • I tried to sing well in the program.

Adverb of degree:

যে adverb কোনোকিছু কি পরিমাণে/কতটুকু ঘটেছে তা বোঝায় তাকে Adverb of degree বলে ।

An adverb that tells us the level or the extent that something is done is called the Adverb of degree.

Adverbs of degree: So, very, quite, really, too, almost, much, nearly, etc.


  • The work is almost done.
  • The book is really interesting.
  • I am very happy to hear this good news.

Adverb of frequency:

যে adverb কোনকিছু কতবার বা কত সময় পরপর হয় তা বোঝায় তাকে Adverb of frequency বলে ।

An adverb that tells us how often something is done is called Adverb of frequency.

Adverbs of frequency: Weekly, twice, sometimes, never, always, generally, usually, nearly, again, ever, hardly ever, etc.


  • I have never been to that place.
  • Always wear a smile on your face.
  • Sometimes I feel nostalgic while listening to an old song.

Affirmative or Negative Adverb:


এটা কোনকিছু সত্য কি মিথ্যা  তা বলে অথবা কোনোকিছুর উপর গুরুত্ব আরোপ করে

It tells whether a thing is true or false or it emphasizes a matter. Truly, Especially, never, etc. are examples of affirmative or negative adverbs.


  • Truly, I want her to be here.
  • She especially mentioned her name.
  • Never tell a lie.


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